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Meet Your Coach

Hello, I'm Anna! 



A little about myself… My name is Anna and I am a Mother to my darling boy. He was conceived through IVF (ICSI specifically) and it was during this journey to becoming a Mother to this little miracle, that my drive to pursue this career path began. There is no greater blessing than bringing new life into this world to love and nurture - and to support others in reaching that dream is something I feel truly privileged to be a part of. 

I have experienced it all; the uncertainty surrounding fertility issues, the emotional rollercoaster of STIMS, egg retrieval and three rounds of ICSI, the heart break of a silent miscarriage, to the highs of giving birth to my son. I would say I have ‘done the rounds’ when it comes to IVF but... more importantly, within that process, I have learnt so much clinically, mentally and have gone on to study and equip myself with all the tools to provide a relatable service to any couple or individual who is looking to pursue this journey.

Having a medical background already in vascular surgery for over 10 years, supporting others within a clinical setting is second nature. So now, to be venturing into the world of conception and IVF, an area I feel is extremely under supported and appreciated in terms of the emotional and physical burden this places upon couples, is something I hope to change and increase success in. Whether it be life coaching on working through the psychological challenges of fertility, dietary advice on ways to support your chance of conception, or lifestyle choices in order improve your physical and mental health - I will be here as your support and mentor throughout every stage.


Each couple or individuals journey is extremely personal and every one will require different clinical support. However, one thing I learnt upon the journey myself, is whilst we have a fantastic team of consultants and embryologists to hopefully provide the ‘end result’ we all pray for - that is in fact just one piece of the puzzle. Solidfying the foundations both emotionally and physically that underpin fertility in order to maximise our chance of success is hugely important. This also includes learning to develop a resilience when coping with potential set backs.


This is where A Fertility comes in
If you have read my page, it suggests you’re already seeking advice. If so, then please kindly fill in the client contact form by clicking the link below for a free 15 minute consultation. On this call, we can discuss some initial challenges and look at how we can work together on your journey to parenthood.


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“Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.”


- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

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